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Adventurer’s Guide to Lassen Volcanic National Park, California

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Established in 1916

Experience the awe of Lassen Volcanic National Park, where geothermal forces create a primal symphony of steam vents, bubbling mud pots, and hot springs. Journey into nature’s wonders.


Lassen Volcanic National Park, located in northeastern California, is a captivating destination renowned for its diverse volcanic features, stunning landscapes, and active geothermal phenomena. Established in 1916, the park spans over 106,000 acres and offers a unique glimpse into the powerful geological forces that shape our planet.

Geology and Volcanic Features: At the heart of Lassen Volcanic National Park is Lassen Peak, one of the largest plug dome volcanoes in the world. Rising to 10,457 feet, Lassen Peak is a prominent feature and a symbol of the park’s volcanic heritage. The peak last erupted between 1914 and 1917, making it one of the most recent volcanic eruptions in the continental United States outside of Alaska.

The park is uniquely home to all four types of volcanoes: plug dome, shield, cinder cone, and stratovolcano. This geological diversity makes it an exceptional location for studying volcanic activity and understanding the Earth’s dynamic processes.

Hydrothermal Areas: Lassen Volcanic National Park boasts several active hydrothermal areas where visitors can witness geothermal activity up close. Bumpass Hell is the largest and most famous of these areas, featuring bubbling mud pots, fumaroles, and steaming pools. A boardwalk trail allows safe exploration of this otherworldly landscape.

Other notable hydrothermal sites include Sulphur Works, Little Hot Springs Valley, and Boiling Springs Lake. These areas are characterized by acidic hot springs, colorful mineral deposits, and the unmistakable smell of sulfur, providing a vivid display of the Earth’s geothermal energy.

Flora and Fauna: The park’s diverse ecosystems support a wide variety of plant and animal species. Dense forests of ponderosa pine, sugar pine, and Douglas fir dominate the lower elevations. As elevation increases, the vegetation transitions to subalpine and alpine communities with hardy plants like lupine, Indian paintbrush, and mountain heather.

Wildlife is abundant in Lassen Volcanic National Park. Visitors might encounter black bears, mule deer, bobcats, and numerous smaller mammals. The park is also a birdwatcher’s paradise, home to over 200 bird species, including mountain bluebirds, bald eagles, and peregrine falcons.

Outdoor Activities: Lassen Volcanic National Park offers a variety of outdoor activities. Hiking is particularly popular, with over 150 miles of trails. The Lassen Peak Trail is a challenging hike that rewards trekkers with panoramic views. In winter, the park becomes a snowy wonderland, attracting snowshoers and cross-country skiers, especially near the Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center.

Visitor Facilities and Conservation: The Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center serves as the park’s main gateway, providing information, exhibits, and educational programs. Conservation efforts focus on preserving the park’s unique geological features, diverse ecosystems, and pristine wilderness. Visitors are encouraged to follow Leave No Trace principles to protect this natural treasure.

Lassen Volcanic National Park is a captivating destination that combines dramatic volcanic landscapes, vibrant ecosystems, and diverse recreational opportunities. Whether drawn by the allure of active geothermal areas, the challenge of rugged trails, or the serenity of alpine meadows, visitors find a unique and enriching experience in this remarkable park.

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Getting to Lassen Volcanic National Park

Lassen Volcanic National Park is located in northeastern California, making it accessible from several major cities in the region. Here’s how you can reach the park:

By Car: Most visitors reach Lassen Volcanic National Park by car, which provides the flexibility to explore the park’s various entrances and scenic byways.

  • From Redding: The park is about a 1.5-hour drive from Redding. Take CA-44 East towards Shingletown and continue to the park’s northwest entrance.
  • From Susanville: It’s roughly a 1-hour drive. Follow CA-36 West towards the park’s south entrance near the town of Mineral.
  • From Sacramento: The drive from Sacramento takes around 3 hours. Take I-5 North to Red Bluff, then CA-36 East to the south entrance.

By Air: The nearest major airports are in Redding and Sacramento.

  • Redding Municipal Airport (RDD): Located about 70 miles from the park, it offers regional flights and car rental services.
  • Sacramento International Airport (SMF): Approximately 150 miles away, this airport serves more extensive national and international routes. Car rentals are available for the drive to the park.

Public Transportation: Public transportation options are limited, and having a car is highly recommended for visiting and exploring the park.

  • Bus Services: Greyhound and Amtrak offer services to Redding, but onward travel to the park will require a rental car or other arrangements.
  • Shuttle Services: During the summer, some local tour operators offer shuttle services from nearby towns to the park, but availability can vary.

Park Entrances: Lassen Volcanic National Park has two main entrances:

  • Northwest Entrance (via CA-44): This entrance is near Manzanita Lake and provides access to popular sites like the Loomis Museum and the Manzanita Lake Campground.
  • Southwest Entrance (via CA-36 and CA-89): Located near the Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center, this entrance is the main gateway to the park and offers access to the scenic drive through the park and several trailheads.

No matter how you choose to travel, ensure your vehicle is prepared for mountain driving, especially during winter months when roads can be icy or closed due to snow. Always check current road conditions and park alerts before your trip.

Human History

Lassen Volcanic National Park in California is not only a testament to natural geological wonders but also a place rich in human history. The park’s human history spans thousands of years, encompassing Native American heritage, early explorers, settlers, and the eventual establishment of the national park.

Native American Presence: Long before European settlers arrived, the Lassen area was home to several Native American tribes, including the Atsugewi, Yana, and Maidu. These indigenous peoples had a deep connection with the land, relying on its resources for sustenance and spiritual practices. They used the diverse ecosystems within what is now Lassen Volcanic National Park for hunting, fishing, gathering plants, and conducting ceremonial activities.

The geothermal features of the area, such as the hot springs and fumaroles, were particularly significant. The tribes believed these sites were inhabited by powerful spirits, and they incorporated them into their cultural and spiritual traditions. Archaeological evidence, including petroglyphs and artifacts, indicates the long-standing presence and influence of Native American cultures in the region.

European Exploration and Settlement: The first European exploration of the Lassen area began in the early 19th century. In 1821, Peter Lassen, a Danish blacksmith, and explorer for whom the park and peak are named, arrived in California. He was instrumental in promoting settlement in the region, and his legacy is reflected in the naming of Lassen Peak.

During the mid-1800s, the California Gold Rush brought an influx of settlers to the area. Prospectors and miners explored the rugged terrain, often using Native American trails to navigate. However, the harsh conditions and volcanic landscape proved challenging for many.

The Lassen Peak Eruptions: Lassen Peak’s series of eruptions between 1914 and 1917 brought national attention to the region. The eruptions were dramatic, producing explosive activity, pyroclastic flows, and lava domes. The 1915 eruption was particularly notable, sending a massive column of ash and gas into the sky and creating a large crater near the summit.

Photographer Benjamin Franklin Loomis captured many images of the eruptions, which were widely distributed and helped to promote the scientific and public interest in the area. Loomis’s work was instrumental in the campaign to preserve the region as a national park.

Establishment of the National Park: The significant geological activity and the stunning landscapes led to the establishment of Lassen Volcanic National Park on August 9, 1916. The park was created to protect and preserve the unique volcanic features and the surrounding ecosystems for scientific study and public enjoyment.

The park’s establishment was part of the broader conservation movement of the early 20th century, which aimed to protect America’s natural landscapes from commercial exploitation and development. Lassen Volcanic National Park became one of the earliest national parks in the United States, reflecting the growing recognition of the need to preserve natural wonders for future generations.

Modern Era and Conservation: Since its establishment, Lassen Volcanic National Park has continued to be a site of scientific research, tourism, and conservation efforts. The park is managed by the National Park Service, which works to protect its unique geological features, diverse ecosystems, and cultural heritage.

Educational programs, visitor centers, and interpretive trails help to inform the public about the park’s natural and human history. Conservation efforts focus on preserving the park’s pristine environments, including its lakes, forests, and geothermal areas, while accommodating the needs of visitors.

Lassen Volcanic National Park’s human history is a rich tapestry of Native American heritage, European exploration, and modern conservation. From the spiritual significance of its geothermal features to the dramatic eruptions of Lassen Peak and the park’s establishment as a protected area, the history of Lassen is deeply intertwined with the natural forces that continue to shape it. This blend of cultural and geological history makes Lassen Volcanic National Park a fascinating destination for both education and exploration.


Lassen Volcanic National Park, located in northeastern California, is a diverse ecological haven that encompasses a wide range of habitats, from geothermal features and alpine meadows to dense forests and pristine lakes. The park’s ecological diversity is a result of its varied topography, volcanic activity, and climatic conditions. This unique combination of factors supports an array of plant and animal species, making the park a significant area for biodiversity and ecological study.

Geology and Its Influence on Ecology

The park’s geological features play a crucial role in shaping its ecology. The varied landscape, formed by volcanic activity, includes lava flows, cinder cones, hot springs, and fumaroles. These geological formations create diverse microhabitats that support different plant and animal communities. The presence of geothermal activity influences soil composition and temperature, which in turn affects vegetation patterns and wildlife distribution.

Vegetation Zones

Lassen Volcanic National Park can be divided into several distinct vegetation zones, each characterized by unique plant communities adapted to specific environmental conditions.

Lower Montane Zone: Dominated by dense forests of ponderosa pine, sugar pine, and Douglas fir, this zone is found at elevations between 5,000 and 6,500 feet. The understory includes shrubs like manzanita, snowberry, and various ferns. These forests provide habitat for a variety of wildlife, including black bears, mule deer, and numerous bird species such as woodpeckers and owls.

Upper Montane Zone: This zone ranges from 6,500 to 8,000 feet in elevation and is characterized by mixed conifer forests with species such as red fir, white fir, and Jeffrey pine. The cooler, more moist conditions support a lush understory of shrubs, wildflowers, and ferns. This zone is also home to several amphibian species, including the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog.

Subalpine Zone: Found between 8,000 and 9,000 feet, this zone consists of sparse forests of mountain hemlock and lodgepole pine, interspersed with meadows and rocky outcrops. The harsh conditions, including shorter growing seasons and colder temperatures, limit the diversity of plant species. However, hardy species such as lupine, Indian paintbrush, and mountain heather thrive here.

Alpine Zone: Above 9,000 feet, this zone is characterized by a lack of trees and is dominated by alpine tundra vegetation, including grasses, mosses, and lichens. The extreme conditions support only the most resilient plant species, which have adapted to survive in nutrient-poor soils, strong winds, and freezing temperatures.


The diverse habitats within Lassen Volcanic National Park support a wide range of wildlife species, from large mammals to tiny invertebrates. The park’s varying elevations and vegetation zones create suitable environments for different animal communities.

Mammals: Common mammals in the park include black bears, mule deer, bobcats, and mountain lions. Smaller mammals such as squirrels, chipmunks, and marmots are frequently seen in the park’s forests and meadows. The park is also home to several species of bats, which play a crucial role in controlling insect populations.

Birds: Birdwatchers can find over 200 bird species in Lassen Volcanic National Park. Notable species include the mountain bluebird, bald eagle, peregrine falcon, and several species of hawks and owls. The diverse habitats provide nesting sites and food sources for both resident and migratory birds.

Amphibians and Reptiles: The park’s wetlands, streams, and lakes support a variety of amphibians, including the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog, Pacific treefrog, and western toad. Reptiles such as garter snakes and western fence lizards are commonly found in the warmer, drier areas of the park.

Invertebrates: Invertebrates, including insects, spiders, and crustaceans, play vital roles in the park’s ecosystems as pollinators, decomposers, and prey for other animals. The park’s diverse plant life supports a wide range of insect species, including butterflies, bees, and beetles.

Aquatic Ecosystems

Lassen Volcanic National Park is home to numerous lakes, streams, and wetlands that provide critical habitats for aquatic species. Manzanita Lake, Butte Lake, and Juniper Lake are among the park’s most prominent bodies of water, each supporting a unique array of aquatic plants and animals.

Fish Species: The park’s lakes and streams are inhabited by several fish species, including rainbow trout, brook trout, and brown trout. These fish provide recreational fishing opportunities for visitors and are an essential part of the park’s aquatic ecosystems.

Wetlands: Wetlands in the park, such as those found in Drakesbad Meadow, support a diverse array of plant and animal life. These areas are important breeding grounds for amphibians and provide habitat for waterfowl and other bird species.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation is a core focus of Lassen Volcanic National Park’s management. Efforts are underway to preserve the park’s unique ecosystems and protect its diverse flora and fauna. These efforts include monitoring wildlife populations, controlling invasive species, and conducting research on the park’s ecological processes.

Wildlife Management: Park biologists monitor the health and population dynamics of key wildlife species, such as the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog, which is endangered. Efforts to protect these species include habitat restoration and mitigating threats from invasive species and disease.

Vegetation Management: Efforts to preserve the park’s plant communities include controlling invasive plant species, such as cheatgrass and Canada thistle, which can outcompete native vegetation. Restoration projects aim to rehabilitate disturbed areas and promote the growth of native plants.

Public Education: Educational programs and interpretive trails help visitors understand the park’s ecological significance and the importance of conservation. The Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center and Loomis Museum provide exhibits and information on the park’s natural history and ongoing conservation efforts.

Lassen Volcanic National Park is a vibrant ecological mosaic shaped by its unique geological features and varied climatic conditions. From lush forests and alpine meadows to geothermal wonders and pristine lakes, the park supports a rich diversity of plant and animal life. Conservation efforts aim to preserve this ecological treasure for future generations, ensuring that the park’s natural beauty and biodiversity remain intact. Whether exploring its scenic trails, observing wildlife, or studying its complex ecosystems, visitors to Lassen Volcanic National Park can experience the profound interconnectedness of nature in this remarkable landscape.


Lassen Volcanic National Park, located in northeastern California, is a geological wonderland that showcases an extraordinary array of volcanic features. This park is unique because it is the only place on Earth where all four types of volcanoes—plug dome, shield, cinder cone, and stratovolcano—can be found in close proximity. The park’s geologic story is one of dynamic processes and dramatic events, shaping the landscape over millions of years.

Volcanic Origins

The geology of Lassen Volcanic National Park is deeply tied to the Cascade Range, a volcanic arc that extends from northern California to British Columbia. This range is the result of the subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate beneath the North American Plate, leading to volcanic activity along the plate boundary. Lassen Peak, a prominent feature of the park, is part of this volcanic arc.

Types of Volcanoes

Plug Dome Volcanoes: Lassen Peak is one of the largest plug dome volcanoes in the world. Plug dome volcanoes form from highly viscous lava that piles up over the vent, creating a steep-sided, rounded structure. Lassen Peak’s last eruption cycle, which occurred between 1914 and 1917, is a testament to the power of these volcanoes. The 1915 eruption produced pyroclastic flows, lava domes, and a significant debris avalanche.

Shield Volcanoes: Shield volcanoes, characterized by their broad, gently sloping profiles, are formed by low-viscosity basaltic lava that can travel long distances. In Lassen Volcanic National Park, the Prospect Peak is an example of a shield volcano. These types of volcanoes are less explosive compared to others and contribute to the gradual buildup of the landscape.

Cinder Cone Volcanoes: Cinder Cone, located in the northeast part of the park, is a striking example of this type of volcano. Formed from volcanic debris such as ash, pumice, and cinders ejected during explosive eruptions, cinder cones are typically steep and conical. Cinder Cone’s last eruption occurred around 1650, and visitors can hike to its summit to view the colorful lava beds and fantastic vistas.

Stratovolcanoes: Brokeoff Mountain, a remnant of the ancient Mount Tehama, is an example of a stratovolcano. These volcanoes are built from multiple layers of hardened lava, tephra, pumice, and volcanic ash. Stratovolcanoes are known for their explosive eruptions, which can be highly destructive. Mount Tehama, which existed over 400,000 years ago, was a massive stratovolcano that eventually collapsed, leaving behind a caldera.

Hydrothermal Features

Lassen Volcanic National Park is also famous for its hydrothermal features, which are a direct result of its volcanic activity. These features include fumaroles, hot springs, mud pots, and boiling pools, showcasing the ongoing geothermal activity beneath the surface.

Bumpass Hell: This area is the park’s largest hydrothermal site, named after Kendall Vanhook Bumpass, who discovered it in the 1860s. Bumpass Hell covers 16 acres and features boiling springs, mud pots, and fumaroles. The landscape is a vibrant palette of colors due to mineral deposits, and a boardwalk allows visitors to safely explore this geothermal wonder.

Sulphur Works: Located near the park’s southwest entrance, Sulphur Works features steaming fumaroles and boiling mud pots. The pungent smell of sulfur is prevalent here, and the area provides an accessible glimpse into the park’s geothermal activity.

Little Hot Springs Valley: This area, with its bubbling pools and steaming vents, is another example of the park’s dynamic geothermal activity. The acidic hot springs and colorful mineral deposits make it a fascinating area for both scientists and visitors.

Glacial Influence

In addition to volcanic activity, glaciers have played a significant role in shaping Lassen Volcanic National Park’s landscape. During the last Ice Age, glaciers sculpted the mountains, carved valleys, and left behind a variety of glacial landforms.

U-Shaped Valleys: These valleys, formed by glacial erosion, are prevalent throughout the park. They are characterized by their steep sides and flat bottoms, contrasting with the V-shaped valleys formed by river erosion.

Moraines: Moraines, which are accumulations of glacial debris, can be found in various parts of the park. These landforms provide evidence of past glacial movements and contribute to the park’s diverse topography.

Lava Beds and Flows

Lava beds and flows are prominent features in Lassen Volcanic National Park, created by the solidification of lava during past eruptions. These formations provide a rugged and dramatic landscape that is fascinating to explore.

Chaos Crags: This area features a series of young lava domes formed by the extrusion of viscous lava. The Chaos Jumbles, a rock avalanche that occurred around 350 years ago, is a notable feature of this area. The avalanche created a chaotic landscape of boulders and debris, demonstrating the power of volcanic processes.

Devastated Area: Named for its appearance after the 1915 eruption of Lassen Peak, the Devastated Area showcases the impact of pyroclastic flows and lava on the landscape. Interpretive trails in this area provide insights into the volcanic events that shaped it.


Lassen Volcanic National Park is a geological treasure trove that offers a window into the powerful forces that shape our planet. From its diverse types of volcanoes and hydrothermal features to the influence of glaciers and the dramatic lava formations, the park’s geology is both varied and dynamic. Understanding the geologic history of Lassen Volcanic National Park not only enhances our appreciation of its natural beauty but also provides valuable insights into the processes that continue to mold the Earth. For geologists, naturalists, and visitors alike, the park is a living laboratory where the past and present of Earth’s geological activity can be explored and studied.

Best Places to Stay

Lassen Volcanic National Park offers a range of accommodation options that cater to adventure travelers, from rustic campgrounds and historic lodges to nearby motels and cabins. Whether you’re looking for a back-to-nature experience or a comfortable base for your adventures, here are some of the best places to stay in and around Lassen Volcanic National Park.

In-Park Accommodations

Manzanita Lake Campground:

  • Location: Near the northwest entrance of the park.
  • Features: This popular campground is perfect for adventure travelers who want to stay close to hiking trails, kayaking spots, and fishing areas. It offers tent sites, RV sites, and camper cabins. Amenities include potable water, flush toilets, and a camp store.
  • Activities: The proximity to Manzanita Lake allows for easy access to water activities, and the nearby Loomis Museum offers educational exhibits and ranger programs. Hiking trails like the Manzanita Lake Trail provide scenic views and wildlife spotting opportunities.

Summit Lake Campground:

  • Location: Central part of the park, along the scenic highway.
  • Features: Divided into North and South sections, Summit Lake Campground offers tent and RV sites. The campground is nestled among pines and provides access to Summit Lake for swimming and non-motorized boating.
  • Activities: This campground is ideal for hikers and backpackers, with trails leading to stunning destinations like Echo Lake, Upper Twin Lake, and the Summit Lake Loop.

Warner Valley Campground:

  1. Location: Southeast part of the park.
  2. Features: A more remote and rustic camping experience, Warner Valley Campground offers tent sites only, with vault toilets and no potable water. It’s perfect for those looking to escape the crowds.
  3. Activities: The campground is close to trailheads for hikes to Devil’s Kitchen, Boiling Springs Lake, and Terminal Geyser. These geothermal features provide a unique and adventurous hiking experience.

Nearby Accommodations

Drakesbad Guest Ranch:

  • Location: In Warner Valley, just outside the park boundary.
  • Features: This historic lodge offers a unique blend of rustic charm and modern comfort. Accommodations include lodge rooms, cabins, and bungalows. Guests can enjoy meals at the on-site restaurant, natural hot springs, and horseback riding.
  • Activities: Drakesbad is a great base for exploring the southeastern part of the park. Hiking, horseback riding, and thermal pool soaking are popular activities. The nearby trails to Boiling Springs Lake and Devil’s Kitchen are must-see adventures.

Cabins at Childs Meadow Resort:

  • Location: Near the southern entrance of the park, in the small community of Childs Meadow.
  • Features: The resort offers cozy cabins with modern amenities, including kitchens and bathrooms. There is also an RV park and a restaurant on-site.
  • Activities: Childs Meadow Resort is conveniently located for exploring the park’s southern attractions. Hiking, fishing, and snowshoeing in the winter are popular activities. The nearby Lassen National Forest also offers additional adventure opportunities.

Highlands Ranch Resort:

  • Location: Near the southwest entrance of the park, in the town of Mill Creek.
  • Features: This upscale resort offers luxurious cabins with stunning views, private decks, and fireplaces. The on-site restaurant serves gourmet meals, and the resort’s serene setting is perfect for relaxation after a day of adventure.
  • Activities: Highlands Ranch Resort is a short drive from the park’s southwest entrance, making it an excellent base for exploring Bumpass Hell, Kings Creek Falls, and other southern park highlights. Snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are popular winter activities.
Tips for Adventure Travelers
  • Reservations: Campgrounds in Lassen Volcanic National Park, especially those with more amenities, fill up quickly during the peak season. It’s advisable to make reservations well in advance.
  • Weather Preparedness: The weather in Lassen can change rapidly, especially at higher elevations. Bring layers, rain gear, and appropriate footwear for hiking and other activities.
  • Bear Safety: The park is home to black bears. Campers should follow all food storage regulations to minimize bear encounters and ensure a safe experience.
  • Trail Information: Before setting out on hikes, check trail conditions and park alerts. Some trails may be closed due to snow, maintenance, or wildlife activity.

Lassen Volcanic National Park offers adventure travelers a variety of accommodation options, from in-park campgrounds to nearby resorts and cabins. Whether you prefer a tent under the stars, a cozy cabin, or a historic lodge, you’ll find a place that suits your needs and enhances your park experience. With its diverse landscapes and abundant recreational opportunities, Lassen Volcanic National Park is an ideal destination for those seeking adventure and a deep connection with nature.

Enjoying The Park

Lassen Volcanic National Park offers a diverse array of adventures that cater to outdoor enthusiasts of all levels. From hiking through volcanic landscapes and exploring geothermal wonders to stargazing and winter sports, the park provides an exhilarating backdrop for numerous activities. Here are some of the best adventures you can experience in Lassen Volcanic National Park.

1. Hiking and Backpacking

Bumpass Hell Trail

  • Distance: 3 miles round trip
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Highlights: This popular trail takes hikers to the largest hydrothermal area in the park, Bumpass Hell. Named after an early explorer who accidentally fell into a boiling pool, the trail features boardwalks that lead through steaming fumaroles, boiling springs, and bubbling mud pots. The colorful landscape and active geothermal features make this hike a must-do adventure.

Lassen Peak Trail

  • Distance: 5 miles round trip
  • Difficulty: Strenuous
  • Highlights: Climbing Lassen Peak is a rewarding challenge for adventure seekers. The trail gains over 2,000 feet in elevation, leading to the summit at 10,457 feet. From the top, hikers are treated to panoramic views of the surrounding area, including the Sacramento Valley and Mount Shasta. The trail also offers a close-up look at the volcanic features that make Lassen Peak unique.

Cinder Cone Trail

  • Distance: 4 miles round trip
  • Difficulty: Strenuous
  • Highlights: The Cinder Cone Trail offers a unique hiking experience, taking adventurers to the top of a volcanic cinder cone. The trail winds through lava beds and loose volcanic ash, providing a challenging ascent. At the summit, hikers can peer into the crater and enjoy stunning views of the Painted Dunes and Fantastic Lava Beds.

Backpacking the Park’s Wilderness

  • Route: Various options available
  • Difficulty: Varies
  • Highlights: For those looking for a multi-day adventure, backpacking in Lassen Volcanic National Park offers solitude and exploration of remote areas. Popular routes include the trek to Snag Lake and Twin Lakes. Backpackers can enjoy pristine lakes, lush meadows, and the chance to see wildlife in their natural habitat.
2. Exploring Hydrothermal Areas

Sulphur Works

  • Location: Near the park’s southwest entrance
  • Highlights: Sulphur Works is easily accessible and features boiling mud pots and steam vents. The pungent smell of sulfur and the colorful mineral deposits make this area a fascinating stop. It’s an excellent spot for visitors to get an up-close view of the park’s geothermal activity without a long hike.

Devil’s Kitchen

  • Distance: 4.2 miles round trip
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Highlights: Located in the Warner Valley area, the trail to Devil’s Kitchen takes hikers through a scenic forest to a geothermal area with steam vents and boiling springs. The journey offers opportunities to see wildflowers and wildlife, and the geothermal features are less crowded than those at Bumpass Hell.
3. Water Adventures

Kayaking and Canoeing on Manzanita Lake

  • Location: Near the northwest entrance
  • Highlights: Manzanita Lake is a serene spot for kayaking and canoeing. Paddlers can enjoy calm waters and stunning views of Lassen Peak reflecting on the lake’s surface. The lake is also a great spot for fishing, with opportunities to catch rainbow and brown trout.

Swimming at Summit Lake

  • Location: Central part of the park
  • Highlights: Summit Lake offers a refreshing swim during the summer months. The lake’s clear, cool waters are surrounded by beautiful scenery, making it an ideal spot for a relaxing day by the water. There are also trails around the lake for those who want to explore further.
4. Winter Adventures

Snowshoeing and Cross-Country Skiing

  • Location: Throughout the park
  • Highlights: In winter, Lassen Volcanic National Park transforms into a snowy wonderland. Snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are popular activities, with trails ranging from beginner to advanced levels. The park offers ranger-led snowshoe walks, providing a guided experience through the winter landscape. Notable routes include the Manzanita Lake Trail and the Southwest Area’s Ridge Lakes Trail.

Backcountry Skiing and Snowboarding

  • Location: Lassen Peak and nearby areas
  • Highlights: For more adventurous winter sports enthusiasts, backcountry skiing and snowboarding on Lassen Peak offer an exhilarating experience. The peak’s open slopes and deep snow provide challenging runs and stunning views. Proper avalanche training and equipment are essential for these activities.
5. Stargazing

Starry Night Programs

  • Location: Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center and other designated areas
  • Highlights: Lassen Volcanic National Park is a designated Dark Sky Park, making it an excellent location for stargazing. The park offers ranger-led Starry Night Programs, where visitors can learn about constellations, planets, and other celestial objects. On clear nights, the Milky Way and numerous stars create a breathtaking display.
6. Wildlife Viewing

Bird Watching

  • Location: Various habitats throughout the park
  • Highlights: The park’s diverse ecosystems provide habitat for a wide variety of bird species. Bird watchers can spot mountain bluebirds, bald eagles, peregrine falcons, and many other species. Wetlands, forests, and meadows all offer unique bird-watching opportunities.

Mammal Watching

  • Location: Throughout the park
  • Highlights: Lassen Volcanic National Park is home to mammals such as black bears, mule deer, bobcats, and mountain lions. Early morning and late evening are the best times to spot wildlife. The meadows around Manzanita Lake and the Warner Valley are particularly good areas for wildlife viewing.
7. Scenic Drives and Photography

Lassen Volcanic National Park Highway

  • Location: Through the heart of the park
  • Highlights: The scenic drive along Lassen Volcanic National Park Highway offers numerous pullouts and viewpoints, providing stunning vistas of volcanic landscapes, mountain peaks, and lush forests. Photographers can capture breathtaking images of the park’s diverse scenery, from geothermal features to serene lakes.

Butte Lake and Painted Dunes

  • Location: Northeast part of the park
  • Highlights: The drive to Butte Lake provides access to the colorful Painted Dunes, a unique volcanic landscape. The striking contrasts of red and orange pumice against the dark lava beds make this a photographer’s dream. The area also offers hiking and camping opportunities.
8. Educational Programs and Visitor Centers

Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center

  • Location: Southwest entrance of the park
  • Highlights: The Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center provides educational exhibits about the park’s geology, ecology, and history. Visitors can watch a park film, join ranger-led programs, and gather information for planning their adventures.

Loomis Museum

  • Location: Near Manzanita Lake
  • Highlights: The Loomis Museum features exhibits on the park’s volcanic activity and history. It also serves as a starting point for ranger-led walks and educational programs. The museum’s historic photographs by Benjamin Loomis offer a glimpse into the park’s early days.


Lassen Volcanic National Park is a captivating destination that offers a unique blend of volcanic landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and a wealth of outdoor adventures. From its iconic hydrothermal features and towering peaks to serene lakes and lush meadows, the park provides a perfect setting for exploration and discovery. Whether you’re hiking to the summit of Lassen Peak, kayaking on Manzanita Lake, snowshoeing through winter wonderlands, or simply soaking in the stunning scenery, Lassen Volcanic National Park promises unforgettable experiences for adventurers of all kinds. Embrace the spirit of adventure and immerse yourself in the natural wonders of this extraordinary park, where the dynamic forces of nature continue to shape and inspire.

Lassen Volcanic National Park is an adventurer’s paradise, offering a wide range of activities that highlight its unique geological and ecological features. Whether you’re hiking to volcanic summits, exploring geothermal wonders, paddling serene lakes, or enjoying winter sports, the park provides endless opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. With its stunning landscapes and diverse adventures, Lassen Volcanic National Park is a destination that promises unforgettable experiences for every visitor.

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Terms of Use: As with each guide published on, should you choose to this route, do so at your own risk. Prior to setting out check current local weather, conditions, and land/road closures. While taking a trail, obey all public and private land use restrictions and rules, carry proper safety and navigational equipment, and of course, follow the #leavenotrace guidelines. The information found herein is simply a planning resource to be used as a point of inspiration in conjunction with your own due-diligence. In spite of the fact that this route, associated GPS track (GPX and maps), and all route guidelines were prepared under diligent research by the specified contributor and/or contributors, the accuracy of such and judgement of the author is not guaranteed. SKYBLUE OVERLAND LLC, its partners, associates, and contributors are in no way liable for personal injury, damage to personal property, or any other such situation that might happen to individuals following this route.