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BolderBoulder Bliss: Your Ultimate Guide to Conquering the 2024 10K Race

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Dive into the BolderBoulder 10k race with our comprehensive guide! Discover the race’s history, last year’s champions, detailed route breakdown, highlights, and essential tips for success. Get ready for an unforgettable experience!

Ultimate Guide to the BolderBoulder 10k Race 2024

The BolderBoulder 10k race, set to take place on May 27, 2024, is one of the most anticipated running events in the United States. Known for its vibrant atmosphere, challenging course, and enthusiastic community support, this race attracts runners from around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or a first-timer, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know about the BolderBoulder 10k race, including its history, last year’s winners, the route, highlights, and keys to success.

History of the BolderBoulder 10k Race

The BolderBoulder 10k race was founded in 1979 by Steve Bosley, a local banker and avid runner, along with Olympian Frank Shorter. The race was conceived as a community event to promote fitness and celebrate Memorial Day. Over the years, it has grown into one of the largest and most renowned 10k races in the world, attracting over 50,000 participants annually.

The race’s popularity soared due to its unique blend of competitive spirit and festive atmosphere. The BolderBoulder has become a Memorial Day tradition for many, featuring a strong elite field, enthusiastic spectators, and a host of entertaining festivities along the route. The race is also known for its finish inside the University of Colorado’s Folsom Field, where runners are greeted by cheering crowds and a patriotic ceremony honoring military veterans.

Read our complete Boulder travel and adventure guide here.

Last Year’s Winners

The 2023 BolderBoulder 10k race saw some incredible performances. In the men’s elite division, the winner was Joseph Chebet from Kenya, who completed the race in a remarkable time of 28:45. Chebet’s victory added to his impressive resume, solidifying his status as one of the top distance runners in the world.

In the women’s elite division, the title was claimed by Tsehay Gemechu from Ethiopia, who finished with a time of 32:14. Gemechu’s win was a testament to her exceptional talent and determination, making her a standout competitor in the global running community.

The Route

The BolderBoulder 10k route is both scenic and challenging, offering runners a tour of Boulder, Colorado’s picturesque streets and neighborhoods. The course begins at 30th Street and Walnut, near the intersection of 30th Street and Walnut Street. From there, it weaves through downtown Boulder, the University of Colorado campus, and residential areas before culminating at Folsom Field.

Detailed Route Breakdown
  1. Start to Mile 1:
    • The race starts at 30th Street and Walnut.
    • Runners head west on Walnut Street, passing through a mix of commercial and residential areas.
    • The first mile is relatively flat, providing a good opportunity for runners to find their pace.
  2. Mile 1 to Mile 2:
    • After the first mile, runners turn north onto 28th Street.
    • The route continues to Iris Avenue, where participants experience a slight incline.
    • This section features more residential neighborhoods, with spectators lining the streets to cheer on the runners.
  3. Mile 2 to Mile 3:
    • The course takes a left turn onto Folsom Street, leading runners through a stretch that includes a mix of residential and commercial areas.
    • This part of the race includes a gradual uphill section, testing the endurance of the participants.
  4. Mile 3 to Mile 4:
    • Runners turn onto Pearl Street, a vibrant area known for its lively atmosphere and supportive crowds.
    • This mile features a combination of flat and slightly downhill terrain, offering some relief after the uphill challenge.
  5. Mile 4 to Mile 5:
    • The route heads south on 20th Street before turning onto Spruce Street.
    • This section includes another gradual incline, leading runners through charming residential neighborhoods.
  6. Mile 5 to Finish:
    • The final mile takes runners onto the University of Colorado campus, where they are greeted by enthusiastic spectators and the stunning backdrop of the Flatirons.
    • The race concludes with a memorable finish inside Folsom Field, where runners are cheered on by thousands of fans.

Highlights of the Route

The BolderBoulder 10k race is known for its lively atmosphere and the unique features that make the course memorable:

  • Downtown Boulder: The early miles of the race take runners through the heart of downtown Boulder, with its eclectic mix of shops, restaurants, and cheering crowds.
  • Pearl Street: This iconic stretch is lined with spectators, street performers, and vibrant energy, making it a highlight for many runners.
  • University of Colorado Campus: The final stretch through the campus offers scenic views and a festive atmosphere, culminating in the exhilarating finish at Folsom Field.
  • Folsom Field Finish: Crossing the finish line inside the stadium, with thousands of cheering fans, is an unforgettable experience for every participant.

Keys to Success

Whether you’re aiming for a personal best or simply looking to enjoy the experience, here are some keys to success for the BolderBoulder 10k race:

1. Training

Proper training is essential to ensure a successful race day. Here are some tips:

  • Build a Base: Start training at least 8-12 weeks before the race to build a solid aerobic base. Include a mix of long runs, speed work, and recovery runs in your training plan.
  • Hill Training: Incorporate hill workouts into your routine to prepare for the course’s gradual inclines. Running hills will improve your strength and endurance.
  • Pace Yourself: Practice running at your goal race pace during your training runs. This will help you get a feel for the pace and build confidence for race day.
2. Nutrition and Hydration

Fueling your body properly is crucial for optimal performance:

  • Balanced Diet: Maintain a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats in the weeks leading up to the race.
  • Hydration: Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout your training. On race day, ensure you are adequately hydrated but avoid overhydration.
  • Pre-Race Meal: Eat a light, carbohydrate-rich meal a few hours before the race to provide your body with the necessary energy.
3. Race Day Preparation

Proper preparation on race day can make a significant difference:

  • Get Enough Sleep: Ensure you get a good night’s sleep before the race. Aim for at least 7-8 hours to feel rested and energized.
  • Arrive Early: Arrive at the starting area early to avoid any last-minute stress. This will give you ample time to warm up and get into the right mindset.
  • Warm-Up: Perform a dynamic warm-up to get your muscles ready for the race. Include light jogging, stretching, and mobility exercises.
4. Mental Strategies

Maintaining a positive mindset is key to a successful race:

  • Set Goals: Set realistic and achievable goals for the race. Whether it’s finishing the race, hitting a specific time, or simply enjoying the experience, having a goal will keep you motivated.
  • Stay Positive: Keep a positive attitude throughout the race. Remind yourself of your training and the effort you’ve put in. Focus on the fun and excitement of the event.
  • Break It Down: Mentally break the race into smaller segments. Focus on reaching the next mile marker or landmark to make the distance feel more manageable.
5. Race Strategy

Having a race strategy can help you navigate the course effectively:

  • Start Steady: Begin the race at a comfortable pace to avoid burnout. The excitement of the start can lead to overexertion, so aim for a controlled and steady pace.
  • Manage the Hills: Conserve energy on the uphill sections by shortening your stride and maintaining a steady effort. Use the downhill sections to make up time, but avoid overexerting yourself.
  • Finish Strong: Save some energy for the final stretch. The excitement of finishing inside Folsom Field will give you an extra boost, so push yourself to finish strong.


The BolderBoulder 10k race is a celebration of fitness, community, and the spirit of competition. With its rich history, scenic route, and vibrant atmosphere, it offers a unique experience for runners of all levels. Whether you’re aiming for a personal best or simply want to enjoy the journey, proper training, preparation, and a positive mindset will set you up for success. Mark your calendar for May 27, 2024, and get ready to be part of one of the most iconic running events in the world.

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